Teaching my kids abouts cars
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Teaching my kids abouts cars

I think it's really important to know a bit about the internals of a car, so that when you are getting your car serviced you can talk intelligently with the auto technician. As well, there are many easy DIY jobs you can do on your car to save your some money which can make all the difference when you are young and starting out. This site is where I am recording everything I am teaching my kids about auto servicing, and because I think it will be useful to many other families as well. I hope you find it useful for your family.

Teaching my kids abouts cars

5 Easy DIY Steps to Repair Your Leaking Car Radiator

Kenzi Jacobs

If you are a car owner, it's essential to acquaint yourself with radiator repairs. A radiator is a vital component that helps keep your vehicle cool. A cooler engine allows your car to function properly. It would thus be best if you watched out for a leaking radiator, since this may cause critical and costly car problems. The sooner you identify and fix your radiator, the better.

Here are simple DIY steps to identify radiator leaks and repair procedures:

Step 1: Identify the Leak

Find out where the leak is coming from first. Leave the radiator to cool down or pour cold water on it to cool it faster. After this, restart your car and start identifying the source of the leak. Most importantly, ensure that the leakage is from the radiator and not from other parts. In case you find that the problem is from a leaking hose, replace it entirely. 

Step 2: Begin Patching the Radiator

Prepare your radiator's cold weld epoxy for use. After locating the leak, drain all the fluid from the radiator. Then, clean up the area close to the leak, ensuring that you don't make it even worse, and then apply the epoxy. Once set, proceed to create a vacuum in your car's radiator.

Step 3: Vacuum Sealing

After setting up the epoxy, attach the overflow hose to the vacuum port in the car's manifold. Proceed to remove the distributor cap, after which you should crank your car five times. This way, you will be creating a vacuum seal on the epoxy, which pulls it into the crank inside the radiator. 

Step 4: Check the Radiator's Tubing

After draining the radiator, it's crucial to check its tubing. You can accomplish this by pulling the tube away from the radiator's fins. Examine your tubes, and when you notice any damage, use epoxy to fix it as well. Leave it for 2 to 3 hours to allow complete drying. Avoid any other activities on the vehicle, as any heat or cold generated may affect the epoxy. 

Step 5: Refill the Radiator

After it has dried up, it's time to refill your car's radiator. You can either use a garden hose to refill your radiator or use a funnel and a bucket of water. Refill until you notice no more drainage in the car's radiator.

These are the five simple steps to locate leakages and repair your car's radiator. As you can see, they are simple to follow and execute. You do not have to spend hundreds of dollars on expensive car radiator repairs when you can do it yourself! If you do need additional help, though, call a professional car radiator repair service.
